Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Where has the summer gone?

Avynne's 5th Birthday!! Happy Birthday, Ava Gracie!!
The 4 Cornett kids on the slide!
Cornett ladies in the back of the car after the 4th of July parade..
Benton in the parade coming over to give the girls the last of his candy...what a great brother!!
Miss Mazlyn enjoying the feel of the grass...

Lighting sparklers!!
This is at Chris's Senior Dinner, where they officially handed over the title of "Chief" to him!! Congrats, Chris!!
Hope all is well with you all...sorry we haven't been on in a while...we've been sick around here...yucky summer colds...
Take and hugs,
the Cornetts

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Chief Chris!! Sheryl, you look great!! Anyone who wouldn't know better wouldn't think you'd had any kids!! Skinnie Minnie!! Keep it up - you inspire the rest of us!!
